Where is Kawah Putih? Visit Kawah Putih Bandung

What is Kawah Putih?

Kawah Putih is a tourist spot in Bandung, precisely in the very popular South Bandung area, if you ask a native Bandung people then they will definitely recognize this place even though they rarely visit it.

So, where is kawah putih? Kawah Putih is located in Ciwidey, West Java, approximately 50 KM south of Bandung. 

How did the white crater form? Kawah Putih was formed because of the eruption of Mount Patuha according to history and from the words of many people. As the name implies, everything is white! Why is that? because the soil in this area is white due to the element of sulfur. Besides to the white soil, the lake water in the Kawah Putih area also has a white color but is greenish and can change color according to the sulfur content contained and not only sulfur levels but weather and temperature factors can also be the cause of the change in the color of this crater.

Kawah Putih is located in a cool and cold mountainous area, having an altitude of more than 2,400 meters above sea level. With this altitude, the air temperature in the Kawah Putih area is truly cold with a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius to 22 degrees Celsius, so don't forget to bring a warm jacket or wear thick clothes, if you come from a country that has a winter season this may sound normal because I saw tourists from abroad only wearing normal clothes and shorts.

In addition to enjoying its beauty, especially by tourists, Kawah Putih is also a place for other activities, for example, outbound activities, shooting films, painting, photos of the bride and groom, to hiking, horse riding, and enjoying the beauty of the tea garden in a tea plantation near kawah putih which is located not far from the area. Of course, there are so many attractions near kawah putih that you might be interested in a visit.

History of the Kawah Putih

There are interesting facts about this crater and the story of Kawah Putih begins in the 10th century where there was a great eruption by Mount Patuha. After this eruption, people think that this place is haunted, why is that? because it is said that every bird that flies through the area will die! but other reasons make more sense.

As time goes by, the belief about the hauntedness of this place began to fade, until finally in 1837 a botanist with German nationality came to this area to do research. The researcher named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn was so interested in the quiet mountainous area where there were not even birds flying over it so he went around the village looking for information. At that time, all the information he got was that the area was haunted and inhabited by spirits.
For Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, the statement of the local people does not make sense. Not believing these stories, he went into the jungle to find out what was happened there. Then, finally, Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn managed to reach the top of the mountain, and from there he saw the existence of a beautiful white lake with a strong smell of sulfur. 
Since then, the existence of this crater has become famous, and starting in 1987 the government developed this area as a tourist spot to see the lake that can change color and it's called Kawah Putih.

How do we go to the Kawah Putih?

If you wanna know how to go kawah putih from Bandung then you should call me for guidance hahaha don't worry I'm not a scammer I'm just a blogger and volunteer.
Kawah Putih, is located at Jalan Raya Soreang Ciwidey KM 25, located not far from Situ Patenggang (another tourist attractions), and can be reached easily if you bring a private vehicle, rent or with a guide because there are many road signs. From Jakarta, you only need to use the Cipularang toll lane and exit through the Kopo toll gate. From there you must head to Soreang and drive south of Ciwidey.

If you'll use public transportation, you can take public transportation (called: angkot, angkutan kota) from Leuwi Panjang terminal that goes to Ciwidey terminal. From Ciwidey terminal, you can take public transport that goes to Situ Patenggang and get off in front of the Kawah Putih gate. But I do not recommend it for you especially international travelers who have never been there before because I am afraid of scammers, the fare can be doubled and higher! I recommend renting a car and the driver at the rental place that is quite safe and private.

Ticket prices for Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih entrance ticket price on weekdays, holidays, and weekends are the same, opening hours start from 7 am to 5 pm and the entrance fee for kawah putih Bandung is IDR 25,000 or 1.68 $ per person for a domestic traveler and for the international travelers is IDR 75,000 or 5.05 $. And for the other prices is listed below:
  • Pontoon Pier IDR 10,000 or 0.67 $
  • Sunan Ibu IDR 10,000 or 0.67 $
  • Sky Walk Cantigi IDR 10,000 or 0.67 $
  • Pre-wedding photo charge Rp. 500,000 or 33.67 $
  • Shooting  Charge IDR 3,000,000 or 202.00 $

Parking prices

  • Motorcycle parking ticket IDR 5,000 or 0.34 $
  • Car Parking Ticket IDR 10,000 or 0.67 $
  • Bus Parking Ticket Rp. 25,000 or 1.68 $
  • Tourism transportation Rp. 25,000 or 1.68 $
  • Environmental Services (R4 Parking near the Crater Center) IDR 150,000 or 10.10 $

Tips for Travelers:

To make your trip to Kawah Putih more comfortable, consider the following tips:
- Cold temperatures do not mean you are safe from sunburn, use sunblock before doing activities in this area
- If you can't stand the smell of sulfur, put the mask on you and if you forget to bring it you have to go home, no! I'm just kidding and you can buy a mask there.
- Don't stay in the crater too long because it can make you're interfering with your breathing, you can go up for a while and then return to the crater if you still want to see the view of Kawah Putih

That's the information I wrote for those of you who want to find information about the white crater and maybe you want to visit it sometime or in the near future.
You can contact me to find out information regarding tourist attractions, especially those in the Bandung or West Java area.
Need you to know that this is my first post!!
Thanks and have a wonderful day!
